Chuck's Located in Raleigh, NC |
Dish: Fork and Knife Fries
Critique: French Fry Specialists, don't even think about using your hands- just bring a pitch fork to the table. You'll need it to ensure each morsel makes it to your mouth. These fries are loaded with three different cheeses, beef, red bean chili, shredded lettuce, and buttermilk dressing. Be sure to bring an empty stomach, even The Hotness and Sweetly couldn't finish this dish.
Score: 4 Out of 4 Hotties!
Dish: Bear in Heaven Wills Way
Critique: Not sure how Chuck's comes up with burger names, but The Hotness didn't care. Her burger was topped with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles, and cheese. This by far was a scrumptious and juicy burger- only wish the beef patty was thicker...still a winner in our books!
Score: 3 1/2 Out of 4 Hotties
Dish: The Dirty South (Carolina)
Critique: "Dirty South, can y'all really feel me, East Coast feel me..." Sweetly felt a little more adventurous with her burger selection. The Dirty South burger wants to let everyone know how dirty it is- how dirty is it? Topped with smoked pork, chili, crispy onions, coleslaw, and cheddar. Whoo Doggie! Oh yea, Dirty South...we feel you! Delicious!
Score: 4 Out of 4 Hotties!