Saturday, September 23, 2017

Who Let the Dogs Out? Oh, The Cardinal Bar Did!

The Cardinal Bar in Raleigh, NC

Dish:  Hot Dogs

Critique:  The bread, the bread, the bread!  The hot dogs were unbelievably delicious, but it was the hot dog BUNS that made this hot dog feast unforgettable.  The bread was so scrumptious that Sweetly wondered if it was the actual Bread of Life!  Whatever your toppings preference, be assured that you will be in for a treat.  Coleslaw, cheese, chili, and beer onions?  Say what?  The party is at The Cardinal Bar…umm the party was so “off the chain” that we went two days in a row.  Don’t judge us!  And special shout out to The Cardinal for giving a discount to our veterans and all service employees!

Score: 4 Out of 4 Hotties!!